The newest craze in the world and specifically New City, RAMGØD is a real-life futuristic version of the 2nd century Roman Gladiator games. A high stakes team-based sport that mixes combat, racing, and “climbing” into one exhilarating winner-takes-all contest.
There are currently 8 TEAMS in the league. Each team is owned, operated, and funded by a single SPONSOR - generally a company (i.e. Safeway, Krass, Orbi, and several others).
There is one team however, that is NOT owned or run by a company. They are the first and only Crowdfunded team, collecting donations digitally from the public across the globe. This has quickly made them a fan favorite as they are seen as "the people's team".
Each TEAM has a total of 4 PLAYERS (and 1 Chief Engineer).
Each GAME is essentially a tournament that consists of the 3 unique HEATS, each HEAT specializing in one specific aspect of the competition:
Like an advanced Formula 1 meets Mario Kart on speed.
Like Real Steel meets Mortal Kombat. Combat is generally to submission, knock out, or termination.
Like an ultra modern Global Guts (think Aggro Crag) meets Anthem.
RAMGØD uses a team-based scoring system similar to the Olympics, where you add up all of the points collected by your teammates across the various competitions and the team with the highest score at the end, WINS.
There is a REGULAR SEASON that consists of 5 games (tournaments). The top scoring 4 teams advance to compete in a single PLAYOFF game. And then the top-two scoring teams face off in the FINALS.
During every HEAT there are technological "BOOSTS (enhancements) littered throughout the course/arena that are designed to give a competitive advantage to its recipient. Think Mario Kart meets The Hunger Games (sponsor gifts, mystery blocks, tokens/keys, etc)